Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fst Post!

There seems to be a movement afoot for this functional programming business.  There's even servers from Amazon that do it for you (must give them a go).

So far, I've come across at least two companies that are actually using in earnest and to be honest, I'm not surprised - it sounds cool and well, it gets shit done.

So this is where I give it ago. This isn't a blog for learning Haskell - it's more a blog for learning about me learning Haskell (That's so Haskelly - cool eh?)

I've been doing it now for a couple of weeks and I love it - it reminds of 20 years ago when I first learned C from K+R.

I was going to call the blog 'Adventures in Haskell' - but that's just sad.

"Haskell Shmaskell" sounds so much better - everything sounds better with Shm-reduplication.

 let x="Haskell";(_:b)=x in x++" "++("Shm"++b)

If you don't know Haskell that won't make any sense - but when you do it's really funny, I swear.

The first couple of posts are going to be catch-up to get to where I am now - a sort of fill you in. Worth following because if you haven't done this before, it'll allow to get up to speed quickly.

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